How to improve player (client) retention as a Football (Soccer) Coaching business

In the second installment of our 6-part blog series, we will be giving you tips on how to build your client network and retain clients.

by Treiner

Posted 4 years ago

How to improve player (client) retention as a Football (Soccer) Coaching business

Everyone knows the value of customers and what they bring to a business, as without clients a business wouldn’t exist. As a founder or CEO of a business, the ability to possess the skills of attracting and then retaining clients is incredibly important to sustaining a company. Through much discussion and research, the team at Treiner have identified ways in which you can attract new clients and the skills needed to retain your base of customers.

Building Client Network & Client Retention

To run a football coaching business effectively, you must ensure that clients trust and believe in your procedures to improve players abilities so that a strong customer relationship is built, in which both parties achieve their goals collectively. Some ways to build your client base includes:

  1. Identify competitors to determine how others market their company, how they attract players, what measures you can potentially implement or avoid
  2. Set up social media accounts and post regularly on them!
  3. Develop hashtags, captions etc. relevant to your football coaching business so that potential clients will see your posts on their news feed
  4. Build your company from your local area up; through avenues such as flyers, school talks, community business nights etc.
  5. To gain exposure and then move to bigger markets (State wide, national, international etc.)

Once you have been able to build a large client base, your next goal would be to retain these clients, whilst of course building your client network further. Ways to retain clients in your football coaching business include:

  1. Meeting customer demands and expectations.
  2. Adding value to your products and services.
  3. Establishing a competitive advantage over others in the same/similar industries.
  4. Listen to customer feedback to better improve business decisions and procedures.

If you would like to learn more about how to create a football business or how Treiner can assist you in your current football business, please visit our blogs or email us (

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