Improving your social media presence as a Football (Soccer) Coach

In the third instalment of our 6-part blog series, we will be giving you tips on improving social media presence.

by Treiner

Posted 4 years ago

Improving your social media presence as a Football (Soccer) Coach

The social media presence of your business is incredibly important in today’s world, as most individuals have active social media accounts across various platforms. This can vary from networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and the recently growing TikTok.

To give you a statistical view, there are more than 1.4 billion Facebook users, 288 million on Twitter and 347 million using Linkedln around the world. Relating this to Australia, there are more than 18 million active social media accounts, demonstrating that social media marketing is an increasing platform for businesses to profit from.

At Treiner, we have been using our various social media accounts to reach our target audience and have outlined some ways in which you can improve your business outcomes through your socials.

Improving Social Media Presence

1) Choose the right social media platforms: making sure the platforms used are specific to your targeted audience will go a long way to achieving your goals. E.g. if you are looking for a younger audience, using something like Snapchat to promote discounts, exclusive access rights etc. can build brand recognition and customer loyalty.

2) Elect a social media team if one doesn’t exist: employing individuals with specific roles relating to social media responsibilities such as planning posts and frequency of posting will allow you to build a trusted brand image.

3) Engage with your audience: posting content isn’t enough, you need to as an owner connect with your clients to build a relationship with trust and loyalty. Comment on posts, develop relevant hashtags, address queries or concerns to make clients want you.

4) Be unique with your content creations: one thing people enjoy is originality, so be different. Don’t just post something similar that another successful football coaching business has; write original blogs, make different infographics and appeal emotionally to clients in a never-before-seen way.

Ultimately there is no secret recipe or specific way to improve your social media presence. There are always many different moving parts. However, you can use specific strategies such as those outlined above to engage target audiences to invest in your services. What we at Treiner do know is that if you follow our said tips, then you are well ahead of the game.

If you would like to learn more about how to create a football business or how Treiner can assist you in your current football business, please visit our blogs or email us (

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